SigmaStream's data services are being used in both the Energy and Medical industries. Bridging the gap between the data created and smarter decisions.

Oil & Gas
Oil & Gas is a high risk and complex industry. Demand for low-cost energy and stringent safety and environmental regulatory compliance concerns add to the already existing challenges. Using big data concepts to handle, process and analyze the huge amounts of data generated during exploration, development and production, is the way to address these challenges. The next step is to achieve automation with operational intelligence and machine learning.
SigmaStream has established itself on this scene with its products and services and enabling different players from the Oil & Gas industry like operators, drilling contractors and service companies to achieve digital transformation. Oil & Gas is the first industry sector where SigmaStream launched its state-of-the-art product suite bringing in interoperability and extensible framework to address the data fragmentation issues.
We have worked with a number of Fortune 500 companies in the Oil & Gas sector and are proud of the achievements we helped our clients to accomplish. The generic nature of our products makes it possible to target midstream and downstream as well.
Medicine is another industry segment where data plays a crucial and vital role. There is tremendous scope for analytics and AI-based diagnostics that would result into faster and more accurate detection and identification of issues. This in turn would lead to early intervention and effective treatment options bringing in new lease of life into many lives.
SigmaStream is entering the medical field with its tried and tested expertise in data acquisition, persistence, secure transportation, dissemination and advanced analytics. The common denominator in the two disparate fields of Oil & Gas and Medicine is data. Thus, making SigmaStream an ideal candidate with its promise of setting the data free.

Get in Touch
For further details about our solutions and services, please don't hesitate to get in touch with us